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Family News
Some new babies!By Mark & Leah Sticht
Eliza Emily Miner was born Feb 6th.She is very healthy and beautiful. Pictures a here.
Also on March 15 Hailey Rose Barrett was born (also Colmen's birthday) and I am sure she is beautiful and she is healthy. When we get some pictures we will put them on our site! (Updated: we have pictures now, right here.)
Previous News
New Pictures
Junior is Getting Married!
Another Baby is Born!
Some new babies!
Summer's Over
Brent Graduated!
Summer plans
A Break in Sticht Family Genealogy
Vaughn Is Getting Married!
Back to school
Where did summer go?
We are off too!
We're off soon!
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Hot Summer
Baby Steps!
Shelby Gets her first Tooth!
Family Can Add News !
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