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Family News
Back to schoolBy Scott & Em Andrewsen
Hi! Scott's back to school again, this time starting at St. Catherine's! I think I'm more excited about it than he is, but is is also very excited. Although, most of our excitement comes from knowing that he'll be done soon!! Met with his program director today, and it looks like it is really going to be a good program that he'll really enjoy. I'm keeping busy with all the changes we've been making in Primary and am Really enjoying my calling and learning a lot. And of course, our greatest joy is our little Jess, who is such a chatterbox lately! She talks and talks and says hello to everyone. Not a shy bone in her any more! She is really talking up a storm and speaks very clearly. Her favorite thing lately is "Mary Poppins" and goes around the house singing all day and asking us to sing "Mary Poppins" songs. It's very cute. Glad you had a fun trip, Leah and Mark! It's been fun reading the notes everyone posts here!
Previous News
New Pictures
Junior is Getting Married!
Another Baby is Born!
Some new babies!
Summer's Over
Brent Graduated!
Summer plans
A Break in Sticht Family Genealogy
Vaughn Is Getting Married!
Back to school
Where did summer go?
We are off too!
We're off soon!
Happy Birthday Stephanie!!
Hot Summer
Baby Steps!
Shelby Gets her first Tooth!
Family Can Add News !
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